Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Lent as Sabbath

This Seasons Theme is: Lent as Sabbath

Based on (verses, story, quote, etc.):Titus 3:5-7
PM Plan Time Line:
4:55 Instrumental (music team)
5:00 Acapella song to gather folks for the PM (music team)

5:05 What has God done story with sung response w/Acapella verse (Coord & music team)
5:10 Prayer, pass the peace
5: 12 Welcome & What to expect (Coord)
5:15 Vision time (coordinator)
5: 20 Solidarity Prayer "Desert Peoples" (SP Team)
5: 25 Talk (speaker)
--musicians go up before/during prayer
5:50 Talk Back (pastor/guest speaker)
5:55 Music & Art (music & art directors)

  • How and why we worship (Music Leader)

  • 1 more song
  • Intro to Art Making
  • 2-3 more songs
  • Final verse of acapella song
  • Pray and Go in peace

Music & Tech
PM Plan Goal: To create a safe space where our community can use music as one way of worshiping God together.
  • Find ways to collaborate with the community in the music making process.
  • Create a sound that allows the community to be a part of the choir.
  • Create a set that is well organized and easy to engage in.
  • Make sure all understand the language we are using (other cultures and "christianese").
This Season’s Music Project: Using the book of Romans, write a new song each week. 
HERE are some selections to look at.

This Season's Music Process (when, who & how):
  • Feb. 26th John & Jonny "In you we are one"
  • March 4th Carl "If we have died, died to sin"
  • March 11th DJ (Subbing for Greg)
  • March 18th John "Death is Broken"
  • March 25th Carl "Oh Spirit help our weakness".
  • April 1st (Palm Sunday) Greg 'I Will Have Mercy.'
  • April 8 (Easter only 6pm) John 

PM Plan Goal: To create a safe space for our community to use art as one way of worshiping God together.
  • Find ways to collaborate with the community in the art making process.
  • Even if individuals choose to not be a part of the art making process, they should still feel it's presence in some way. 
  • Provide materials, designate a space and give simple and clear directions on how to engage in the art making process.
This Season’s Art Project: To change the shape of the PM space with a large installation. 
  • Consider bringing the community from dark and burdensome into light and and life giving. 
  • Consider changing the space in a way that the community needs to either walk through or around something.
  • Consider ways that either allow you to do all of the work in the beginning, leaving minimal work for you week to week. OR ways that the community can do the majority of the work during the PM.

This Season's Art Process (when, who & how):
A tunnel/cave is going to be created out of cardboard boxes from the PM space entry way (where the stained glass begins) up to the first 2 columns. It will be have 3 tiers on each side that are made in sections that can be pushed aside for events. Over the season the boxes will move around the room, have things written on them, be folded up, cut into, turned into alters and then taken away. All of these actions will be done by the community with direction from the team week to week.

The overriding concept is to consider what we are walking through the door with during lent each week (hopes, losses, burdens, goals etc.) and what are we choosing to hand over, share with the community, or leave behind when we walk back out the door. The boxes represent what we bring in, and as the installation changes over the season, it also represents how we change what we bring or let go of week to week.

· Lots of cardboard
· Clear tape
· Candles
· BIG Black Sharpies
· String
· Luminary materials

· Putting up the structure – tunnel

  • Week 1 – February 26th – Tiffany – Congregation will write burdens on loose boxes or brown construction paper that has been placed under their seats. “Call out and own it”
  • Week 2- March 4th – Rob – Congregation will look at the writing on the boxes and pray for a burden that is not their own.
  • Week 3- March 11th – Amanda – Congregation will light candles and place it on a ledge near a burden they are connecting with. Congregation can also write encouragement on the boxes.
  • Week 4- March 18th – Tiffany– Congregation will move the loose boxes from the structure and place around the room. This is will break the obstruction. Some people can carry a burden together.
  • Week 5 – March 25th – Rob – 3-4 people in the congregation will pray around each box that was placed around the room from the prior week. They will pray for each other.

  • Week 6 – April 1st (Palm Sunday) – Amanda – Congregation will break down the boxes

  • Week 7 – April 7th ( Easter) – Tiffany– The boxes will be tied together with string and placed around the room as alters. Candles will be on them.
Solidarity Prayer
PM Plan Goal: To create a safe space for our community to use prayer as one way of worshiping God together.
  • To be informed, and to inform others about what is going on in this day and age, and to use prayer as one way of remaining connected with our brothers and sisters around the world.
  • Here is a simple Solidarity Prayer format:
  • Hi my name is ____and I am here to tell you about_____.
    Create 3-5 sentences to explain who we are praying for.
    Create 3-5 sentences to explain why we are praying for them.
    Offer 2-4 visual aides (slides, maps, props, etc.)

    Finish with “Please rise with me now and hold hands as I pray” or “Please rise and join me in saying this prayer together (show slide of pre-scripted prayer)”.
This season’s solidarity prayer project is: Desert Peoples, as often we ourselves are wondering in a dry place during Lent.

Solidarity Prayer process is (when, who & how):
  • Feb. 26th DJ- Fracking in W. Texas
  • March 4th Mariko- Food Deserts in Philly
  • March 11th Jess - GEMS
  • March 18th Mike C.- Desert dwelling community (via Al Jazeera)
  • March 25th Vanessa -Somalia
  • April 1st (Palm Sunday) Robin Ingalls - Bread for the World
  • April 8th (Easter only 6pm) Heads together Haiti-Vanessa

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