Design Team Roles and Covenants
(Taken from the 2011 PM Plan)
Frankford & Norris Public Meeting Coordinator
Covenant for Service: 12 Months
Description: You serve the Lord and His church by leading in the process of making disciples and building them into the body of Christ through facilitating the creative and practical process of holding public meetings for Circle of Hope. You are given the task of nurturing and organizing the teams that lead our public meetings, providing them with tools and structure. You are included in the process of envisioning, expanding and leading the public meetings under the guidance of the pastors.
1. A growing personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ.
2. A call to use your gifts to provide for worship according to our common dialogue and agreements.
3.The spiritual gifts and temperament necessary to do this work.
4.Skills necessary to communicate, delegate, and instruct as required.
5. Commitment to working as a team with the pastors of Circle of Hope and other leaders of Circle of Hope.
Amenability, other relationships
1.The PM Coordinator is amenable to the Pastors of the Circle of Hope Network, being primarily accountable to the Frankford & Norris pastor.
2.The PM Coordinator may lead a design team.
2.The PM Coordinator may lead a design team.
3.The PM Coordinator works with and forms a team with the other PM Coordinators of the network.
4.The Coordinator participates in a cell.
1. Oversee the creative process that fuels our PMs, facilitating team building and training, working closely with the pastors, Design Teams, and other PM Coordinators around the network.
2. Organize and communicate the long-term plans for Frankford & Norris PMs, being organized enough to offer others the opportunity to participate and contribute ideas.
3. Works with FN pastor, hosting coordinator, and FN Network Builder to oversee delegated elements of the FN Public Meeting, leading as appropriate.
4.The PM Coordinator is included in plans for PMs, debriefs and regularly adds to the dialogue.
5. Help develop Design Teams for Frankford & Norris.
6. Help create further teams of artists and musicians who use their gifts to worship and communicate the gospel.
7. Leave a record for successors concerning the means discovered to do this work.
Public Meeting Team Leaders
Covenant for Service: 6 months
Description: You serve the Lord and His church by leading the preparation process for a team that leads us to worship, and creates an environment that provides an opportunity to worship. You are working as a team the Design Teams with the Hosting Teams with the Tech Teams with the Children's Teams, etc., all in concert with the Pastors.
Amenability, other relationships:
1. The PM Team leader is amenable to the pastor of the local congregation, who is ultimately responsible to the Leadership Team for each Public Meeting.
2. The PM Team leader cooperates with the PM Coordinator/Pastor.
3. The PM Team leader oversees a team that facilitates worship: the singers, the instrumentalists, the equipment operators, hosts, child care workers, etc.
4. The PM Team leader cooperates with the meeting planners as organized by the pastor/the PM Coordinator, the Hosting Coordinator, the Children's Team leader, and the tech team.
1. Organize the aspects of the worship time for which the team is directly responsible.
2. Work with the pastor to set themes, schedule and general direction. Be aware of the ongoing themes and details on the PM Chart.
3. Fulfill the goals of Circle of Hope, especially in the aspect of worship. Help create a worship time that is sensitive to newcomers and unbelievers while providing for the expression of regular attenders.Pay attention to the dialogue we have had concerning worship and act according to the goals and proverbs that have resulted.
4. Lead during our Public Meeting as assigned.
5. Recruit/receive people into the team.
6. Help with the maintenance of our public meeting equipment. Put away the tools that your team has used.
7. Lead the team to stay in touch with the Holy Spirit. Minister to the needs of team members or refer them as needed.
8. Develop personal skills through practice, study and training experiences.
9. Mentor people who can lead future teams.
10. Lead practices and team meetings in such a way that relationships are deepened, skills are advanced and building restrictions are considered.
The Design Team Members
Covenant for Service: 6 months
The Design Teams work together to create our weekly liturgy. Under the direction of the Map, this plan and the general direction given by the pastors and their gathered teams, they lead our weekly meetings. They are crucial leaders of our public wing. Like other Circle of Hope teams, design teams grow and multiply or they lose steam and die a natural death.
How they relate in the congregations and the Network:
- The Pastors and designated PM Coordinators nurture their health and give direction.
- When possible, local teams are lead by a Design Team Coordinator
- The Pastors/Design Team Coordinators form a team that oversees network resources and Network team gatherings.
The Design Team leader, in league with the PM Coordinator or other designated leaders has the freedom to construct a team in consultation with the pastors. There are no prerequisites for participation on a team.
The requirements are:
- willingness to follow the team leader(s).
- loving and patient attitude with a complex process and diverse team.
- cooperation within the vision of the church,
- adherence to any agreements and schedules of the team
- openness to the following ideals for being a PM Team.
- Communicate: attend regular meetings, read e-mail and publications, speak up with what one can contribute to the team's knowledge and ability.
- Maintain open dialogue, learning and practicing the skills of directly speaking the truth in love.
- Maintain unity: agree not to promulgate or practice what is contrary to the teaching of our church, agree to have healthy conflicts with members of the leadership team directly, agree not to abuse the general openness and freedom in which we operate but to openly promote and demonstrate our deliberate attempts to live in a trust system.
- Call the Team Leader if one can't be at a meeting or rehearsal and find your own replacement unless told otherwise.
- Agree to surrender their role if requested to do so by the Team Leader or Pastor.