Thursday, September 22, 2011

Advent 2011 "Do Not Be Afraid"

Toilet Paper Roll Trees by: Yuken Teruya

This season’s theme is "Do not be afraid"
Based on Mathew 1-2 and Luke 1-2

Music & Tech
PM Plan Goal: To create a safe space where our community can use music as one way of worshiping God together.
  • Find ways to collaborate with the community in the music making process.
  • Create a sound that allows the community to be a part of the choir.
  • Create a set that is well organized and easy to fallow.
  • Make sure all understand the language we are using (other cultures and "christianese").
This Season’s Music Project: To introduce one new celebratory, worshipful Christmas Song in another language each week.

This Season's Music Process (who & how):

  • Dec. 11th Carl "Mitt Hjerte Altid Vanker".

     A summary in English is: 

    My heart always wanders to where Jesus was born, where my thoughts gather and is the home I long for, where my faith and treasure are. I can never forget that blessed Christmas night.
    When I close my heart, Jesus comes in. It (my heart) is a place for you (Jesus) that you have bought, so I will believe.
    I will gladly worship at your manger, for you only will I live and die for. Let my soul find joy in you (Jesus), as you have been born in my deepest heart.

  • Dec. 18th Greg

PM Plan Goal: To create a safe space for our community to use art as one way of worshiping God together.
  • Find ways to collaborate with the community in the art making process.
  • Provide materials, designate a space and give simple and clear directions on how to engage in the art making process.
This Season’s Art Project: To create an art installation concept based on this season's theme that develops over 5 weeks. You may decide to start the installation, but starting on week 1 I want you to only provide materials, space and direction for the community to continue the art making process. 
  • Consider the theme "do not be afraid". What makes us feel safe?
  • Consider our solidarity prayer of alternative gift giving/making. Is this a time to teach people a new skill/craft? 
  • Consider easy to find recycled materials.
  • Consider something that is added to the ceiling (We will have art shop in the middle of the installation process, and things are less likely to be damaged if they are up and out of the way.)
  • At our D&D on 11/7/11 it was decided that the artists would teach the community how to create a Christmas decoration or gift out of recycled materials. The decorations will remain hung and added to each week on the ceiling of the PM space, but the idea is that our community will walk away with new skills to create gifts for friends and family at home without needing to purchase too many things this holiday. Some of the new skills and decorations may be connected to that nights solidarity prayer.  
  • Here are some Helpful Links:
    This Season's Art Process (who & how):
    • Nov. 27th Eric & Amanda 
    • The Prophets
      based on Isaiah 1:1-5 & Jer. 23:5-6, both prophets refer to Jesus as a branch of David or of Jesse
      concept: Use branches or vines to create a garland to wrap around the pillars (possibly around the walls as well
      Smell: prophetic smell (still working that out)

    • Dec. 4th Dawn " I wanted to co-create an art piece made of pine cones and leaves with the congregation. Kind of a standing web like assembly toward the art piece that will already have pine cones attached to a rope hanging from the ceiling and we will fill in the leaves. It ends up to make a beautiful art piece that looks very wild(just like John the Baptist was described). Because Jesus referred to John as his oil lamp, I will also be lighting an oil lamp and during the art creation, which will only take 2 minutes, there will be drumming. I have a few lines prepared about the wildness of God."

    • Dec. 11th Meg & Greg "we're talking about feeling brave about becoming a new person after jesus has effected our lives enough for it to show
      so i think we're going to do some kind of layered ball so you can see inside layers.  and have them be decorations"

    • Dec. 18th Eric & Amanda "We will be using jars or glasses and tea light to symbolize Irish tradition of putting a candle in the window to welcome Mary and Joseph. So we are going to ask people to take a jar and candle and fill our front windows to symbolize both welcoming and waiting for Jesus and well as welcoming others to come wait with us."

      • Dec. 25th Dawn

      Solidarity Prayer
      PM Plan Goal: To create a safe space for our community to use prayer as one way of worshiping God together.
      • To be informed, and to inform others about what is going on in this day and age, and to use prayer as one way of remaining connected with our brothers and sisters around the world.
      • Simple Solidarity Prayer Format:
      • Hi my name is ____and I am here to tell you about_____.
        Create 5 sentences to explain who we are praying for.
        Create 5 sentences to explain why we are praying for them.
        Offer 2-4 visual aides (slides, maps, props, etc.)

        Finish with “Please rise with me now as I pray” or  “Please rise and join me in saying this prayer together (show slide of pre-scripted prayer)”.
      This season’s solidarity prayer project is: Alternative Gift Giving
      Solidarity Prayer process is:

      • Nov. 27th Art Shop (Lauren & Jenna)

      • Dec. 4th for (Dawn) our present is our presence. our interactions with family and friends through what may be a difficult holiday for some. 

      • Dec. 18th  (Eric & Amanda) something not monetary based; gift making; gift free (specifics to come)

      • Dec. 25th (Dawn)

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