Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Lent as Sabbath

This Seasons Theme is: Lent as Sabbath

Based on (verses, story, quote, etc.):Titus 3:5-7
PM Plan Time Line:
4:55 Instrumental (music team)
5:00 Acapella song to gather folks for the PM (music team)

5:05 What has God done story with sung response w/Acapella verse (Coord & music team)
5:10 Prayer, pass the peace
5: 12 Welcome & What to expect (Coord)
5:15 Vision time (coordinator)
5: 20 Solidarity Prayer "Desert Peoples" (SP Team)
5: 25 Talk (speaker)
--musicians go up before/during prayer
5:50 Talk Back (pastor/guest speaker)
5:55 Music & Art (music & art directors)

  • How and why we worship (Music Leader)

  • 1 more song
  • Intro to Art Making
  • 2-3 more songs
  • Final verse of acapella song
  • Pray and Go in peace

Music & Tech
PM Plan Goal: To create a safe space where our community can use music as one way of worshiping God together.
  • Find ways to collaborate with the community in the music making process.
  • Create a sound that allows the community to be a part of the choir.
  • Create a set that is well organized and easy to engage in.
  • Make sure all understand the language we are using (other cultures and "christianese").
This Season’s Music Project: Using the book of Romans, write a new song each week. 
HERE are some selections to look at.

This Season's Music Process (when, who & how):
  • Feb. 26th John & Jonny "In you we are one"
  • March 4th Carl "If we have died, died to sin"
  • March 11th DJ (Subbing for Greg)
  • March 18th John "Death is Broken"
  • March 25th Carl "Oh Spirit help our weakness".
  • April 1st (Palm Sunday) Greg 'I Will Have Mercy.'
  • April 8 (Easter only 6pm) John 

PM Plan Goal: To create a safe space for our community to use art as one way of worshiping God together.
  • Find ways to collaborate with the community in the art making process.
  • Even if individuals choose to not be a part of the art making process, they should still feel it's presence in some way. 
  • Provide materials, designate a space and give simple and clear directions on how to engage in the art making process.
This Season’s Art Project: To change the shape of the PM space with a large installation. 
  • Consider bringing the community from dark and burdensome into light and and life giving. 
  • Consider changing the space in a way that the community needs to either walk through or around something.
  • Consider ways that either allow you to do all of the work in the beginning, leaving minimal work for you week to week. OR ways that the community can do the majority of the work during the PM.

This Season's Art Process (when, who & how):
A tunnel/cave is going to be created out of cardboard boxes from the PM space entry way (where the stained glass begins) up to the first 2 columns. It will be have 3 tiers on each side that are made in sections that can be pushed aside for events. Over the season the boxes will move around the room, have things written on them, be folded up, cut into, turned into alters and then taken away. All of these actions will be done by the community with direction from the team week to week.

The overriding concept is to consider what we are walking through the door with during lent each week (hopes, losses, burdens, goals etc.) and what are we choosing to hand over, share with the community, or leave behind when we walk back out the door. The boxes represent what we bring in, and as the installation changes over the season, it also represents how we change what we bring or let go of week to week.

· Lots of cardboard
· Clear tape
· Candles
· BIG Black Sharpies
· String
· Luminary materials

· Putting up the structure – tunnel

  • Week 1 – February 26th – Tiffany – Congregation will write burdens on loose boxes or brown construction paper that has been placed under their seats. “Call out and own it”
  • Week 2- March 4th – Rob – Congregation will look at the writing on the boxes and pray for a burden that is not their own.
  • Week 3- March 11th – Amanda – Congregation will light candles and place it on a ledge near a burden they are connecting with. Congregation can also write encouragement on the boxes.
  • Week 4- March 18th – Tiffany– Congregation will move the loose boxes from the structure and place around the room. This is will break the obstruction. Some people can carry a burden together.
  • Week 5 – March 25th – Rob – 3-4 people in the congregation will pray around each box that was placed around the room from the prior week. They will pray for each other.

  • Week 6 – April 1st (Palm Sunday) – Amanda – Congregation will break down the boxes

  • Week 7 – April 7th ( Easter) – Tiffany– The boxes will be tied together with string and placed around the room as alters. Candles will be on them.
Solidarity Prayer
PM Plan Goal: To create a safe space for our community to use prayer as one way of worshiping God together.
  • To be informed, and to inform others about what is going on in this day and age, and to use prayer as one way of remaining connected with our brothers and sisters around the world.
  • Here is a simple Solidarity Prayer format:
  • Hi my name is ____and I am here to tell you about_____.
    Create 3-5 sentences to explain who we are praying for.
    Create 3-5 sentences to explain why we are praying for them.
    Offer 2-4 visual aides (slides, maps, props, etc.)

    Finish with “Please rise with me now and hold hands as I pray” or “Please rise and join me in saying this prayer together (show slide of pre-scripted prayer)”.
This season’s solidarity prayer project is: Desert Peoples, as often we ourselves are wondering in a dry place during Lent.

Solidarity Prayer process is (when, who & how):
  • Feb. 26th DJ- Fracking in W. Texas
  • March 4th Mariko- Food Deserts in Philly
  • March 11th Jess - GEMS
  • March 18th Mike C.- Desert dwelling community (via Al Jazeera)
  • March 25th Vanessa -Somalia
  • April 1st (Palm Sunday) Robin Ingalls - Bread for the World
  • April 8th (Easter only 6pm) Heads together Haiti-Vanessa

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

New Humans

"Sweet Sweat Spots" (cotton, sugar & paper)
"The international expansion in consumption of sugar and cotton is deeply embedded in colonial history as these goods were crucial to the establishment of empire in the Americas, Asia and Africa. The history of sugar continues to have great relevance because of its defining role in shaping world history and culture."
Artist: Raksha Parekh

This Seasons Theme is: New Humans, New Identity, Economy for new humans, New Humanity, Unity Not Uniformity, Reborn Better, Created Good, The Tensions Remaining.

Based on (verses, story, quote, etc.): HERE are some verses on Renewal

Click HERE for the PM Plan outline and details

Music & Tech
PM Plan Goal: To create a safe space where our community can use music as one way of worshiping God together.
  • Find ways to collaborate with the community in the music making process.
  • Create a sound that allows the community to be a part of the choir.
  • Create a set that is well organized and easy to fallow.
  • Make sure all understand the language we are using (other cultures and "christianese").
This Season’s Music Project: Looking for new songs in other languages. Extra points if it connects with our theme of "New Humans".  

Here are a few links to get you started:
Poke around on our network music log and see if you can "barrow" some other language songs from there.

This Season's Music Process (when, who & how):
  • Jan. 1st (Julius) was called in to sub last minute.
  • Jan. 8th (Greg) Di Wanga Morena from CD called Heart Sounds (can be found in COH song of the week archives)
  • Jan. 15th (Jonny) Purify Us (new Broken Walls song)
  • Jan. 22nd (Carl) Yo te Busco
  • Jan. 29th (Greg) Ke Rata Jesu 
    Lyrics (N. Sotho)
    Jesu ka mo rata
    I love Jesus
    Ga gona wa go swana nae
    For there is none like Him
  • Feb. 5th (Jonny) John L. wrote new song called "In you we are one"

  • Feb. 12th (Carl) Christe Lux Mundi
    Christe lux mundi,
    qui sequitur te,
    habebit lumen vitae,
    lumen vitae 
         Christ, light of the world, whoever follows you will have the light of life
  • Feb. 19th (Greg) Tulasizwe (Be Quiet)

PM Plan Goal: To create a safe space for our community to use art as one way of worshiping God together.
  • Find ways to collaborate with the community in the art making process.
  • Provide materials, designate a space and give simple and clear directions on how to engage in the art making process.
This Season’s Art Project: 
  • This season's theme is  "New Humans". Create one piece of work that develops over the season. I do not want to see individual pieces of work week to week, rather one piece of work created by the group over time. 
  • What do humans look like when they become new spiritually and/or physically? What does humanity look like when newness takes place?
  • The community must be able to be a part of the creating process in some way.
  • Consider incorporating layers of some kind (layers of materials, hanging layers, layers of sound, layers of light or images, etc.)
This Season's Art Process (when, who & how):

·         Brown Underline paper
·         Shower Curtains
·         Paint
·         Safety Pins
·         Fabric of various colors
·         Fresh Flowers
·         Flower seeds
·         Incense
·         Candles

Space – Wall between the tech booth and the supply door

  • Jan. 1st (Dawn)
    Preparation for week 1
    ·         Around December 26th Rob will start sewing together the brown underline paper, which will be the start of the installation and will be used throughout the season.
    ·         Print intentional words
    ·         Sheet should be hung up before the 5 PM on Sunday, January 1st
    Intentions Part 1- Dawn will lead a 2 minute meditation based on clarifying our intentions for our growth as new humans. Direct folks to choose a bold print intention word to pin onto the sheet.
  • Jan. 8th (Amanda & Tiffany)
    Preparation for week 2
    ·         More intentional words need to be added to sheet
    ·         Various slits will be cut into the sheet
    ·         Strips of fabric need to be cut out
    Color Sensation - Amanda and Tiffany will incorporate colors onto the sheet to represent a metaphor of adding color to ourselves or our renewed vision of ourselves. Strips of color fabric can be woven into the sheet. Direct congregation to weave more strips of fabric to the sheet.
  • Jan. 15th (Dawn)
    Preparation for week 3
    ·         More fabric needs to be added
    ·         2nd sheet needs to be hung up
    Looking back - Dawn will start cutting holes in the 2nd sheet to represent looking back and gaining insight from the past/looking forward and projecting wisdom to the future experiences. Direct congregation to cut holes into the sheet, look towards the 1st sheet, focus on an intentional word, and mediate on it.
  • Jan. 22nd (Rob)
    Preparation for week 4
    ·         Print black and white images related to intentional words from week 1
    Intentions Part 2 - Rob will pin black and white images onto the sheet representing our intentions.
  • Jan. 29th (Amanda & Tiffany)
    Preparation for week 5
    ·         Pin more images onto sheet
    ·         Newspaper needs to be laid out
    ·         Paint and paint brushes need to be placed out
    Colorizing Photographs – Amanda and Tiffany will start painting over the images. Adding colors can be a changing process – another transition of life. Mentioning how mammals see very little color ranges and we have been gifted to see the colors around us. We are changing into something that can see more and be more. “What have you not been seeing?” Direct the congregation to add a transparent layer of paint to the sheet. Do it so that the words are still visible.
  • Feb. 5th (Dawn)
    Preparation for week 6
    ·         Maybe add a 3rd sheet with cut out holes that represents another transition to becoming a new human
    Creation as destruction – Cutting pieces out of the sheet – Adding scent and sound
    ·         Incense burning
  • Feb. 12th ( Rob)
    Preparation for week 7
    ·         Have a more intentional bold words printed out – small and large
    Intentions Part 3 - Rob can add more intentional bold words to the sheets. It can be placed on top of all the other layers. Small and large words (get the feel that our intentions are growing ... we are growing into New Humans) Direct the congregation to add more words to the sheet.
  • Feb. 19th (Amanda & Tiffany)
    Preparation for week 8
    ·         Have various scriptures printed out that are based around renewal of life
    ·         Candles or low lighting
    ·         Place flowers onto the main sheets and put flower seeds under the chairs
    Renewal -Tiffany and Amanda will tie everything together with scripture focused around renewal. We can reflect on the past weeks. Either have the lights turned out and candles lit or low lighting, while members of the congregation take turns reading lines of scripture that relate to new vision ... "popcorn effect.” While this is happening members of the congregation can take flowers away from the sheets. Reached a place where we have new life.

Solidarity Prayer
PM Plan Goal: To create a safe space for our community to use prayer as one way of worshiping God together.
  • To be informed, and to inform others about what is going on in this day and age, and to use prayer as one way of remaining connected with our brothers and sisters around the world.
  • Here is a simple Solidarity Prayer format:
  • Hi my name is ____and I am here to tell you about_____.
    Create 3-5 sentences to explain who we are praying for.
    Create 3-5 sentences to explain why we are praying for them.
    Offer 2-4 visual aides (slides, maps, props, etc.)

    Finish with “Please rise with me now and hold hands as I pray” or “Please rise and join me in saying this prayer together (show slide of pre-scripted prayer)”.
This season’s solidarity prayer project is: "Kids as Humanitarians". I'd love for us to highlight kids or organizations that empower children to make change in themselves, their families and in their community, in the United States and around the world.

Here are some links to get you started:

Solidarity Prayer process is (when, who & how):
  • Jan. 1st Emily Sowell Girl Scouts Beyond Bars.
  • Jan. 8th Zach Woods Youth resolving violence issues in Camden
  • Jan. 15th Colleen Keller Youth & Homelessness
  • Jan. 22nd Joshua Grace Neighborhood Playgrounds and Green Spaces for kids.
  • Jan. 29th Lauren Stichter Children with Special Needs
  • Feb. 5th Jodie Kelly Issues in child abuse
  • Feb. 12th Joshua Grace F&N Baby Blessing
  • Feb. 19th Melissa Powell TBA

Monday, November 21, 2011

Design Team Summit (Nov. 2011)

Over 40 Musicians, Artists and Technicians came out to our first quarterly network Design Team Summit!
 We had workshops on incorporating the 5 Senses into our art making experiences, how to go from practice to PM in the music team, and shared drafts of sound board manuals as well as other tools and resources.

The afternoon culminated in a 45 minute music and art making set, where we learned songs from each congregation, continued the art making process that was started in our workshop earlier that afternoon.

Keep an eye out for our next summit in February!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Confronting Failure 2011 (Part 2)

Music & Tech
PM Plan Goal: To create a safe space where our community can use music as one way of worshiping God together.
  • Find ways to collaborate with the community in the music making process.
  • Create a sound that allows the community to be a part of the choir.
  • Create a set that is well organized and easy to fallow.
  • Make sure all understand the language we are using (other cultures and "Christianese").
This Season’s Music Project: Write a song based on the non-failure of your nights theme.

This Season's Music Process (who & how):
October 9th Meg/Greg G./Matt Healthy relationships with others and God

October 16th Eric & Amanda/Carl/ Mike God's yearning for all people

October 23rd Rob & Dawn/Jonny/Mathew Thanksgiving

October 30th Meg & Greg F./Carl/Mike Becoming a servant

November 6th Eric & Amanda/Greg/____ Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved

November 13th Rob & Dawn/Jonny/____ The poor you will always have with you

November 20th Meg/Carl/_____ Reliance on God instead of ourselves.

PM Plan Goal: To create a safe space for our community to use art as one way of worshiping God together.
  • FInd ways to collaborate with the community in the art making process.
  • Provide materials, designate a space and give simple and clear directions on how to engage in the art making process.
This Season’s Art Project:  
  • Continue to use and reference the map. We have decided to leave it in the front of the space for the rest of the season. We will not be re-creating the rest of the season, but we will be adding and enhancing what is already going on.
  • Consider blowing up parts of the map and having the community add something to that focused section of the map (have community members pull a prints over it, put a thumb print on it, collage it, paint it, stencil it, create a relief relief sculpture on it, etc.).
  • Consider having the community physically move in some way (Rob demonstrated this on Oct. 2nd).
This Season's Art Process (who & how):
October 9th Meg & Greg F./Greg G./Matt We are still working out details of the Art part, but it will be using small clay figures-- when placed far apart and then a heavy weight is placed on them all (like a piece of plexi with a person standing on top of it), the clay figures are crushed. But if there are many figures and they crowd together, the overbearing weight does not crush them at all.

October 16th Eric & Amanda/Carl/ Mike Church communities in China

October 23rd Rob & Dawn/Jonny/Mathew Traditions of thanksgiving, an on your way out the door experience.

October 30th Meg & Greg F./Carl/Mike

November 6th Eric & Amanda/Greg/______ Small bundles of something gets distributed throughout the community. OR set up pictures of success stories around the room. Blurbs of from successful businesses. 

November 13th Rob & Dawn/Jonny/_____ Image from Indian culture that community interacts with. 

November 20th Meg & Greg F./Carl/Mike Axis Mundi (where our center of faith lies)

Solidarity Prayer
PM Plan Goal: To create a safe space for our community to use prayer as one way of worshiping God together.
  • To be informed, and to inform others about what is going on in this day and age, and to use prayer as one way of remaining connected with our brothers and sisters around the world.
  • If you need it, here is a simple Solidarity Prayer format:
  • Hi my name is ____and I am here to tell you about_____.
    Create 5-10 sentences to explain who we are praying for.
    Create 5-10 sentences to explain why we are praying for them.
    Offer 2-4 visual aides (slides, maps, props, etc.)

    Finish with “Please rise with me now as I pray” or “Please rise and join me in saying this prayer together (show slide of pre-scripted prayer)”.
This season’s solidarity prayer project is:  Trying to illustrate & celebrate group of people whoare a good example of the OPPOSITE of the week’s Fail theme.

-Be in contact with person in our community who is in connection with people
group; see how they can be involved (co-lead prayer/info, help plan, aid with info)

Solidarity Prayer process is:
October 9th Meg & Greg F./Greg G./Mike  The plan for this week is to pray for his friend Aaron who is going to be heading into Guatemala soon to work with a population down there who has been under a heavy foot of oppression for many years. 

October 16th Eric & Amanda/Carl/ Mike Church communities in China

October 23rd Rob & Dawn/Jonny/Mathew Wiconi International 

October 30th Meg & Greg F./Carl/Mike Pastors of Circle

November 6th Eric & Amanda/Greg/Mike Micro-Finance (building small businesses around the world)

November 13th Rob & Dawn/Jonny/Mathew India 

November 20th Meg & Greg F./Carl/Mike Faith within the American Church