Monday, February 27, 2012

Design Team Summit (February 2012)

About 20 Design Team members came out from our network for this quarters summit. After checking in on our 2012 PM Plan, we broke up into small groups to discuss more specific topics team to team.
In our music workshop, Rod led a discussion on what we consider to be a declarative song. He chose specific songs for us to compare and we took turns offering alternative language and even whole verses to make adaptations.
Mike Stichter led the network technician directors in a time of sharing resources and new skills.
Scott had a dialogue with our art directors about why and how we lead our community through the art making process as one way of worshiping God.  
After our workshops we came back as a large group and continued to share online resources so that we can better stay connected site to site, and more organized season to season.
Carl and Joshua closed us out by teaching 2 new songs. One in Latin called "Yo te Busco" and one written by Jonny S. called "Lord Hear Our Prayer". You can find them on the COH music table.
All around a great time!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Holy Week 2012 "Sabbath: The Culture of Generosity"

Holy Week 2012 – Sabbath: the culture of generosity

THEME: Jesus' journey through his last week is our own journey from darkness to light, despair to hope.

He saved us through the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit, whom he poured out on us generously through Jesus Christ our Savior, so that, having been justified by his grace, we might become heirs having the hope of eternal life.  Titus 3:5-8


I hope we can all follow a general format.

I've marked out how long I think each segment is in order to give an idea of what might be the ratio in each evening.

15 minutes Centering

Suggested element for centerings:
Centering prayer. Silence. Meditation, etc.
Silence activity

Intro the theme again. Use our theme scripture (Titus 3:5-8) and talk about tonight’s “need for redemption/rebirth" and why you set your hope on Jesus.

Give a brief recap of the previous evening.

Introduction to your particular evening.


(The following 40-minute section is the heart of what you are doing and may not be two distinct time slots.)

15 minutes The journey of Jesus' last days (in Mark)

Tell the story that is your scripture.
Speak it/show it/act it out. Your choice.


20 minutes how we can relate to this part of the journey


5 minutes Closing

Prayer/Blessing/Pass the peace

Could close again with the song response.

ASSIGNMENTS (should you be so kind as to accept one)

You are given great leeway on this. We will not have a meeting to plan your evening – you make your own team. We do not have any art or music direction, to provide, yet. I (Joshua) will help you in any way I can.

April 1 – Palm Sunday, 5 and 7 Entry to Jerusalem

    Mark 11:1-11
    Joshua with the Mike/Greg/Amanda team

April 2 – Monday, 7:00   Teaching in the Temple

    Mark 11:12-12:44
    Lauren with Rob/Lattanzio

April 3 – Tuesday, 7:00 The End of the Age

   Mark 13:1-37
   Tiffany & Joshua

April 4 – Wednesday, 7:00 At Bethany

    Mark 14:1-11
  Martha with Eric

April 5 – Maundy Thursday, 7:00 The Lord’s Supper (footwashing)

    Mark 14:12-42
   Vanessa and friends from her cell

April 6 – Good Friday – Stations of the Cross/Vigil  noon-3   The Crucifixion

    Mark 15, etc
    Stations of the Cross – Joshua
    Vigil – ??

April 7 -- Holy Saturday -- in the grave
    Monthly Training at MC
    Topic: Sabbath
April 24 – Easter Sunday  

    Mark 16:1-8 -- Pastors and Team
    6am  Network on Lemon Hill

    Easter Feast 6pm
  Mark 16:9-20
    Joshua, Dane/John L./Tiffani w/team